- NO! NAY! NEVER! NEVER REPORT TO THE CHURCH FIRST! THAT IS OUR SUGGESTION AFTER 36 YEARS OF TRYING TO HELP WOMEN.Today the BostonHerald.com article reported that Cardinal O'Malley suggests abuse victims turn to an anonymous third-party system for reporting sexual abuse by cardinals and bishops!NEWS FLASH!!! Citizens have a third party to whom criminal activity […]
- Here it is the beginning of March, 2019! How sad it is that Good Tidings still exists! How sad that woman are still in need of peer support as they remain in their relationships with priests. Yes, I use the word "relationship" because I don't agree that the word is limited to loving relationships, but […]
- Good Tidings has been around awhile. Women have contacted us, met with one another via old pen and ink letters (remember them, pre-internet days), via telephone, via the internet after it arrived with its online groups for posts and chat, and in person when fear didn't prevent them. They sometimes brought their children. Over the […]
- Pain and shame! You can see both in their eyes! If they are on the road to healing, you'll see anger growing, and that's a good thing! St. Augustine tells us that anger is the beginning of courage. All wounded people need to harness anger to heal. There is a need to harness it, […]
- For a few weeks I've been dragging my feet about writing an update for our donors. Joe has been asking me, over and over, to write what I have in mind so we could send out our summer newsletter, and I keep sitting to start it, and then I stop. Why? Well, normally I fashion […]